Check here for events related to our group or the issues on our Rural Radar. Also find a list of recent changes on the issues or our website.
2024-2025: Major Update of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). Opportunities for community input will be forthcoming.
Community input events related to the update of the BVCP. See Boulder website for details.
Recent Updates:
Rural Issues / Website
Feburary 2025:
New Top 3 issue, Lafayette annexation and development proposal at 287 & Arapahoe.
Successful community actions prevent dissolution of the Gunbarrel PID and lead to withdrawl of the Longmont Quail Road annexation and development proposal.
December 2024:
KARES will appeal the District Court's dismissal of their complaint about the Kanemoto Conservation Easement vote to terminate.
63rd Street/Niwot Subdivision issue in limbo awaiting next steps of the applicants.
Recap of the first year of the Pro-RURAL Alliance: A look back at successes in 2024, and a look ahead.
November 2024:
Planning Commission recommends denial of the 63rd Street/Niwot Road subdivision.
Judge rejects neighbors' complaint regarding the County's termination of the Kanemoto Conservation Easement.
Boulder City Council directs staff to provide further study of the possible annexation and development of the 500-acre "Area III Planning Reserve" north of the city limits. Issue elevated to Top 3 on our Rural Radar.
October 2024:
Update to 63rd Street/Niwot Road subdivision, hearing moved to November 20.
Update to Pivot Solar Energy facility, approval by County Commissioners.
September 2024:
Updates to subdivision issue at 63rd Street/Niwot Road. Planning Commission Hearing scheduled October 16.
Final hearing on Pivot Solar Energy facility is October 10.
Proposal for private tennis complex on Gunbarrel Hill was officially withdrawn on September 16.
August 2024:
Revived proposal for subdivision at 63rd St. and Niwot Road added to our Top 3 Issues, replacing Tennis Facility on Gunbarrel Hill issue.
Proposal for industrial solar energy facility near residential areas of East Boulder County elevated to a Top 3 Issue, replacing Longmont development hotbed issue.
Updated Kanemoto item in our Top 3 Issues. Decision now rests with the judge in Boulder District Court.
Modern West 2 development proposal in Longmont near Vance Brand Airport voted down by City Council.
Kickoff of Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan has begun. First community meeting October 19.
July 2024:
Updated all items on Current Issues webpage
Updated Kanemoto item in our "Top 3" Rural Radar issues. KARES group has filed the Opening Brief in its lawsuit against the County. County response and KARES reply will be in the coming few weeks.
On July 17 the Planning Commission recommended conditional approval for the Pivot Solar Energy Farm proposed near a residential area of Arapahoe Rd. and 95th Street. Hearing by Board of County Commissioners is the next step (Oct 10 tentatively) and community input is critical at this stage.
An 8-acre County parcel at 9308 N. 87th St. has been referred to Longmont's annexation process. Developer has proposed 100 units.
June 2024:
Added new items to the "Top 3" Rural Radar issue about annexations and developments that are all in close proximity near Airport/Nelson/Clover Basin Roads in Longmont.
Updated Kanemoto and Tennis Complex items in our "Top 3" Rural Radar issues.
Updated dockets listed on the Current Issues page, and added a new docket SU-24-0003.
Added to "Other" items on the Current Issues page: (1) new link to Longmont City Planning / Development projects; (2) formation of new non-profit, the Conservation Easement Preservation Society (CEPS); (3) possible resurrection of a subdivision proposal at 63rd St. and Niwot Road; (4) Longmont balancing FAA/Vance Brand Airport concerns with development plans nearby; (5) solar energy facilities popping up on rural properties; (6) major victory for Erie residents in Town Council vote to deny High-Density Residential zoning at 111th St. and Arapahoe Rd.
May 19 2024:
Added new issue: a second possible annexation of County land into City of Longmont and subsequent development (8809 Nelson Road). Combined with Quail Road annexation as one of our "Top 3" on the Rural Radar.
May 10 2024:
Website launched.
We thank volunteers Linda Parks, Julien Romeo Motola, and Scout Ennis for their help with the website. We also thank Linda for designing our logo.