With each new issue we’ve dealt with in different rural areas, we’ve learned a little bit more about how to address issues in rural Boulder County. Frankly, the bar keeps raising a little higher as new groups organize and come up with additional approaches that are ever more effective. So… we expect new tools will appear in this toolbox as time goes on. Share your ideas with us!
First, Some Philosophy
Speak the Language.
When applications come up for decision in Boulder County, they are most always evaluated on the basis of two key documents: The Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP) and the Boulder County Land Use Code (LUC). Get to know these documents, and assess your specific application or issue based on whether it adheres to these documents. Caution: These are big documents! Check our Rural/County Info page to learn about key sections that we see come up frequently in the County’s evaluation of rural applications.
Assemble your Community.
In organizing a response to an application, it literally does take a village. County decision-makers value citizen input, and numbers matter. Many of the tools in our toolbox are aimed at gathering the troops.
Facts are the Main Ingredient; Emotions are the Spices.
Be accurate about the facts surrounding your issue, to a T. Take the time to establish the “truths” about the application and the issues it raises, so your group has impeccable credibility with your fellow citizens and with County decision-makers. Inaccuracies can be seized upon and used to discredit your group. Don’t let this happen. When you are well grounded in the facts, the passions and emotions become much more effective.
Now, Dig Into the Toolbox
Explore these topics in the Toolbox: